Balancing Environmental
Protection with Respectful Recreation
Save Our Foothills is a conservation organization dedicated to the preservation of the foothills natural areas adjacent to the city. We are committed to saving the environmental integrity of these fragile public lands for future generations.

Our Vision — For Now and Generations to Come
Our Vision — For Now and Generations to Come
Save Our Foothills was formed in 2021 to ensure Salt Lake City adopt a conservation vision for the Foothills, focusing on environmental protection and maintaining the beauty and integrity of the Foothills for future generations. As Salt Lake City grows the Foothills natural lands need comprehensive land use and recreation management plans, based on sound scientific research, and that will include the management and maintenance of existing trails for the benefit of both the environment and diverse recreational use.
A Conservation Vision
Salt Lake City deserves to have a trail system that ensures environmental protection for the Foothills, and that is designed, built and maintained to the highest standards for the enjoyment of all. Additionally the City should engage in both trail etiquette and outdoor recreation education, including appreciation of the Foothills natural lands, and work to mitigate recreational impacts on these fragile ecosystems.
Support the Save Our Foothills campaign as we work in positive directions to protect and preserve the Salt Lake City Foothills for today and tomorrow.