Living with Lions

We’re taking a tour of the mountain today. It’s a unique tour, guided by one of Utah’s elusive felines: the mountain lion. We’re following tracks that lead us through dense Gambel oak and steep, rocky terrain. Based on size, we suspect that the lion is most likely a female. What’s her story? Where’s she taking us? Does she have kittens? Is there a kill nearby? While we know quite a bit about mountain lions, there’s still so much we do not know about them.

For instance, researchers are finding that these cats, once thought to be solitary, are much more social than originally thought – with lions sharing meals on occasion. We’re also learning more about the vital role that mountain lions play in maintaining the health, resiliency, and even biodiversity of entire ecosystems. Perhaps most importantly, we are learning about the impacts that humans have on mountain lions through hunting, habitat loss, and our ever-expanding presence in the habitat that they rely on for survival. 

After spending years following in the footsteps of mountain lions, we have learned that these cats are masters at avoiding and coexisting with humans. Thankfully, we can do our part to coexist with them. By taking steps at home and on the trail to prevent conflicts, as well as knowing how to interpret lion behavior, we can live in harmony with our wild neighbors. 

As for the lion that we’re following today, we set a remote trail camera along her path of travel in an area that she’s likely to return. We’re looking forward to sharing her story, along with the stories of more of Utah’s mountain lions for years to come.

By Denise Peterson, Utah Mountain Lion Conservation

To learn more about living with mountain lions, visit


Incredible Gambel Oak


Traditional Uses of Foothills Flora